What we do

Our Offer

Supporting complex or
challenging behaviour
We support men who can't be supported safely in more traditional care settings, often people with needs that are complex or challenging.
Our staff are highly trained to work with people with behaviour that challenges, doing this in a way that enables, rather than restricts their lifestyle.
We have decades of experience working in this field and this knowledge and awareness forms a core part of our team development.
Supporting mental health, brain injury and memory loss

These challenges are at the heart of our specialist offer and every man living at Turner will have symptoms of, or a diagnosis of, one of these conditions. We do try and avoid labelling in our work and use the wording 'those who, through illness or injury have changed perceptions of the world'.
Our aim is to ensure these needs don't hold people back and that every resident feels safe, happy and engaged in the home’s community.

physical needs
We offer a holistic package of support for men with physical needs, working with our dedicated Physiotherapy partners and statutory Occupational Therapy services.
Every one of the men we support has different needs, and for this reason we choose to buy in the bespoke specialist support an individual might need, rather than host professionals in-house.
The physical environment of our home is currently being upgraded to meet the needs of those with mobility issues in order to allow fuller participation in all activities we offer.

Supporting continued connection
to the world beyond Turner
We keenly promote continued contact and relationships with family and friends, people who are important to our residents. This includes building new social relationships beyond our home. Our Wellbeing Coordinator leads on community based activities, creating plans that match each person’s interests and goals,.
We believe 'making connections' is a vital outcome for our men, not only for personal wellbeing, but for rehabilitation. We support residents to build a network of support, building solid foundations for those men who will return to their own communities.
Our Pathways of Support
At Turner many of the men we support live with us for a long time. We provide a restful environment which doesn’t rush residents through care plans, but allows them to work towards their goals in their own time.
Wherever possible we work with the men we support to rehabilitate and support them back into a less specialist or intensive home or care environment. Decreasing dependency on care support is particularly important with the younger men we work with. Our plans ensure that retaining and growing independence skills is an absolute priority from the minute someone joins us.
Our pathway of support is split into three areas, when men join us they will often need intensive nursing or residential, but our aim is to progress them on to core nursing or residential, and potentially onto semi-independent living if their needs can be matched to a more independent lifestyle.
Of course all moves between levels are tightly risk assessed throughout a person's stay at Turner. We believe in supporting people to move and progress, so we work hard to take well managed, and regularly reviewed risks that enable personal growth. All these plans, risk assessments and decisions are agreed and signed off by our Clinical Lead.
Some organisations refer to this level of support as complex nursing or residential, at Turner we class it as our Intensive level of support. This means that our staffing ratios are higher and people are monitored 24/7 to ensure the safety of themselves and those around them. When arriving at Turner most men will be placed onto this part of the pathway, moving onto the next as and when their reviews see risks reduce.
At this stage we work with our residents to support them to take a lead on things that matter to them. We will encourage and support men to actively participate in their community and interests. We always make sure each resident is kept safe through well-practiced programmes and touchpoints during their days. We continue to ensure all nursing and care needs are met within an environment they call home.
The final part of our pathway introduces our on-site semi-independent flats. These one-bed self-contained homes are in a separate part of our building with a separate shared kitchen and domestic facilities. When living in these flats our team continue to provide support, always focused on keeping the individual safe while allowing them to develop true independence.
Our Ways Of Working
Every day feels different
Central to our approach is ensuring residents have full control over what their days look like. We adapt and mould our plans dependent on what a person feels like on a given day. This approach to person centred planning means flexibility is at the heart of our offer, and mean no two days at Turner ever look the same.
Bringing people in and getting out and about
Our community partnerships allow us to invite other organisations into the home, where they can deliver activities and events but also encourages external visits and connections for the men we support. Either when someone joins us, or at one of their regular care plan reviews, we work to find the best way to increase social connection. We work with each person to build their confidence and understand more about the types of people and places they want to build relationships with.
Learning and developing new skills
We have links with a range of educational, training and employment settings. At the time they're staying with us many of the men we work with are either not well enough to work or they are of retirement age. We strongly believe this should not stop them from finding new interests, developing new skills and potentially preparing themselves for work or volunteering in the future. Learning opportunities such as digital skills, food preparation, budgeting and creative activities such as music or art are all offered as part of our core package.
Designing our physical environment together
As a listed building with expansive grounds, Turner Home is a beautiful setting, a place in which our residents can relax and work on their own rehabilitation. Of course, this 250-year old house does require investment and regular rethinking on how it can be used effectively. During 2022 we started work with a team of architects to look at the format of the home, and how we can work with the men we support to adapt certain areas of the building to their own needs – quiet rooms, activity rooms, private spaces etc. Alongside this core upgrades to the building were started in the same year to modernise the internal environment with the desire to create areas that match the personalities of the residents and the spaces they want to spend their time in.
Teams that feel like family
When someone is receiving support around challenging behaviour or complex needs it can be very easy for a care home to develop a transactional approach to their care. This is absolutely the opposite of what we work hard to achieve at Turner. As you will see from our staff interviews, we pride ourselves on a homely, family feel that places our residents, staff and senior management as equals. All residents have keyworkers who work with them on their individual goals, supported by their Team Leader to coordinate key additional support, including specialist professionals.
Quality at Turner
CQC Rating
Following our last CQC inspection we invested heavily in new management, staffing and physical environment refurbishment. We are also working with a specialist CQC inspection partner, Inspired for Health to address the inspectors' feedback and make the desired changes quickly and effectively.

Our policies and plans
Please find below download links to all our key quality and safeguarding policies and plans.
If you'd like any more information on how we're enacting them and continually improving, please just get in touch.